Salespage Snapshot

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When someone visits a sales page, they may not have any idea who you are or why they should buy from you. In order to make a case that you are indeed trustworthy, you have to either list your credentials or get other people to vouch for you. There are a number of different ways you can convince the average visitor that you are a genuine businessperson and not just some Internet scam artist. Here are a few good ways to reduce the resistance to buy from you, simply because they don’t quite know who you are or whether your business is legitimate.
If you have degrees, teach seminars, written a book, or done anything that can establish a personal connection and authority on the subject you are selling, be sure to flaunt it. Nothing sells better than a person who is keenly involved in the field that they promote.
You can write up testimonials that others provide to you. Preferably, they should include real results, not just gushing admiration. In order to give them authenticity, ask permission from the person who offers the testimonial to reprint their quote with their full name. Adding a city and state also gives it more credibility.
Did someone else give your products, service, or business a review? If it was favorable, post a link to it on your sales page so that they can see that you really are who you say you are and can provide what you say you do. If you don’t want to post a link, quote the article and list the reference that gave you the review.
This seems very simple, but many IM people bypass it for fear of being “too available.” You don’t have to give out a physical address, but having a phone number or email address where people can reach you to ask pre-sales questions is good. It shows that you are an actual live person who is doing business online and not just some scam website.
When someone asks you why they should buy your product or service, it’s a good thing to have tons of benefits ready to list. Benefits sell products, as any good marketer knows. You can’t have too many benefits, so don’t be afraid of listing too many. How you list those benefits is just as important as what you list.
If you go through a number of Internet marketing sales pages, you’ll find they almost all have one thing in common: a bulleted list of benefits. This is the best way to list your benefits because of the way people scan a sales page before deciding what to read. The bulleted list makes it easy to scan the major benefits and then read any details if the main benefit is appealing. ORDER IS IMPORTANT
The order of the bulleted items is important too. You want to list the biggest benefits first and work your way down. Again, this is because people tend to start to read and then lose interest the more they read. So, to keep them reading, put the juicier benefits at the top and work your way to the weakest benefits at the bottom of the list.
You might think that listing two whole pages of benefits is a bad idea. Actually, there is no way to list too many benefits. The reason for that is that you don’t know why someone has landed on your sales page or what trigger will make someone push the “Buy” button. Since you aren’t a virtual sales agent, your copy has to do the job of overcoming all objections for you. You aren’t there to hear the objections running through the visitor’s head. Only he/she knows what those objections are, and so the copy has to address each and every objection someone might have by listing all of the benefits the product can create in a person’s life.
Eventually, as the visitor reads the list, he/she will come upon the benefit that may be the biggest trigger for him/her, but it may be placed further down the list. There’s no way to know what exactly triggers that particular individual, but when he/she gets to that benefit, that may be enough to sell him/her on your product. So, be sure to list as many benefits as you can think of, even if the list runs several pages. If the visitor doesn’t want to read them, he’ll/she’ll simply scroll onto the next subheading.
Have you noticed that, so far, we really haven’t explained much about the product or service we are selling? That’s because you’re not trying to sell a product or service; you are trying to sell benefits. Benefits sell products, and once the decision to buy has been made (which is typically an emotional response), then you can start to list the features or specifications of the product or service in detail.
If you were to try doing it the other way around, you would more than likely bore people to tears. Ever have the uncomfortable experience of walking into an electronics store and being assailed by a tech geek trying to sell you the latest computer based on the features and specs of the machine?
Odds are, you don’t know why you’d want a certain speed of machine, why one video resolution is better than another, or what any of those weird terms the guy is spouting mean. It’s just plain awkward. You aren’t there to buy a particular machine based on the specs and features. You are there to buy a machine that solves your problems and makes your life easier.
If those features and specs do that, great! But no one wants to know how they work; they just want things to work. They also definitely don’t want to have to guess from the features of specifications how that machine is going to work out for them. They want to be told how it solves their problems and benefits them personally. The same is true of any sales copy you write to sell products or services on the Internet. Benefits sell; product features and specifications should be detailed, but only after the benefits are listed and clearly explained.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 14 Pages
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- 2 Ecovers (PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2020
- File Size: 2,840 KB
License Details:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the squeeze page.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be sold in a Dime sale event.
[YES] Can be added into a paid membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free AGAINST an email address (lead generation)
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.