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Your First Mortgage Plr Ebook Table Of Contents
Are You Prepared for A Home Loan
What Type of Loan Do I Need
Fixed Rate Mortgage vs. Variable Rate Mortgage
Conventional Home Loan
Balloon Mortgage
FHA Home Loan
VA Loans
Contract for Deed Home Loan
How to Qualify for a Home Mortgage Loan
Home Loan Interest Rates
Credit Rating and the Fair Credit Reporting Act/ FCRA
How To Build A Lender-Friendly Credit Report
Save a Sizeable Down Payment
Why You May Have to Accept a Higher Interest Rate
Important Things to look for in a Lender
PLR Ebook Sample Content Preview
Are You Prepared for A Home Loan
Home Loan Readiness
Owning a home is really one of the ultimate dreams of most people. No one will deny the fact that home ownership reflects the fruits of hard work through the years.
However, owning a home is not that easy. Financially, the implications are not very simple. A significant amount of money must be available before one even makes the first move to attain this kind of a dream.
Everything must begin with the identification of what you can really afford. This involves scrutiny of savings and other existing funds as well as the entry of income in the coming years. If one intends to get a home loan, a clear forecast of income in the future must be in place.
Most people obtain a home loan. Not too many people can afford to pay cash for a home. Stretching the loan out for years in affordable terms is the most sensible and thus lets people achieve the dream of home ownership.
However, although home loans lessen the burden, it remains very important that the owner specifically matches his criteria for a home and income potential. It is true that getting the best home is the most fulfilling. However, in reality, the best may not be appropriate for everyone.
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Other Details
* Sales Page: Included, HTML, MS Word Doc
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 56
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 1,348 KB