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There are not many other things that shout “expertise, authority and credibility” than a book on your niche. Authors are perceived by most people to be experts. It doesn’t matter if they have read the books or not! The fact that the person is an author in the niche is all that matters.
Now you are probably thinking that it takes a lot of work to write a book. Yes you are right it does! But you will certainly stand out in a crowded market if you have written a book because most of the other online coaches that you are competing with will not have been bothered to do this.
You do not have to write the book yourself. There are professional writers out there that will do most of the work for you. This is not going to be a cheap option but if you don’t have the time or the writing skills to write your own book then use a writer to do it for you.
If you outsource the writing of your book then you will need to provide a plan for the book to your writer. You will also need to tell them the style that you want the book to be written in and provide them with specific information that you want to include. It is essential that your book provides good value to your readers even if you give it away.
So think clearly about what you want to include. Your target market will have a number of problems that they need to resolve so write your book around some of these. It is important that the book is valuable but you do not want to give everything away (otherwise why would they want to hire you as a coach?).
Talk about how you have implemented your own ideas in your book and also how you have helped others achieve the results that they wanted. It is really important that the reader gets the sense that you can help others as this will make them much more inclined to purchase your coaching services.
You do not need to write a lengthy tome. We would suggest 6 to 10 chapters that are concise and clear and have actionable elements to them. Add an introduction to your book and tell them that you are now an online coach. Mention this a number of times throughout the book and tell people how they can find you online (website, social media etc).
What about publishing your book? The easiest way to do this is to go down the self publishing route. It is unlikely that you will be able to use a publishing house for your book because it will not have the potential numbers that will excite them. You don’t need them anyway as it is so easy to self publish. Save yourself a ton of money by using platforms like Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble to self publish your book. It is a good idea to create hard copies of your book as well and you can use Create Space to do this for a reasonable price.
One of the most important thing you must do for your book is to create a compelling cover for it. If you are not good with Photoshop or graphic design this is not a problem as you can go to or similar gig websites and find a good cover designer there. You will need to tell them what you are looking for and what platforms you are using (Kindle etc).
You will be amazed at the quality of the designs that these people can create for only a few bucks. Even if you can do it yourself why spend your precious time on this? Use your time to find clients for your coaching business!
Once you have your book in digital form and physical form there are a number of things that you can do. You can provide it as an incentive on your website for visitors to opt in to your email list. People are reluctant to give out their email addresses these days as they know they will receive promotional messages. Your book will be a good way to persuade them to do this.
Don’t worry too much about making money with your book on Amazon Kindle for example. Price it at around $2.99 so it is low enough for people to make an impulse buying decision. You can actually give your book away for free to encourage people to leave reviews on Amazon which is an excellent idea. You could create a competition on Facebook to win a copy of your book. If you do a lot of networking then give hard copies of your book away. Make sure that you add your contact details in your book such as your phone number, your website address and your email address.
Go and write your book to boost your credibility and stand out in the market!
You cannot launch a successful online coaching business without a professional website. If someone tells you that you can do this they are wrong. Another thing that you must never do is to use a free website service such as or a free blogging platform such as This screams cheap!
It will only cost you around $10 a year to have your own domain name such as or Choose a domain name that reflects your coaching business. It is OK to use your name but remember that not many people will know who you are at the beginning.
Once you have chosen your domain name you will need a web hosting account. If you don’t know what this is it is where your website files are stored and is the way that you make your site live on the Internet and available to all. There are thousands of web hosting companies out there that will host your website for a few bucks a month.
It is unlikely that you are going to get hordes of visitor traffic to your website especially when you are just starting out. So you can go for an affordable shared hosting service from or There are many reviews online about web hosting companies that you can read.
You must choose a web host that offers one click WordPress installations. WordPress is a free blogging platform that is ideal for your website. You can easily customize it without having to know any web code. It is very simple to add your content to the WordPress platform as well.
Once you have your domain name, web hosting and you have installed WordPress (this is easy and there are many tutorials available on YouTube) you will need to choose an appropriate them for your website. A WordPress them is the design of your site. How it looks and feels.
There are lots of free WordPress themes available and there are premium themes too. Search for “online coaching wordpress themes” and have a look at the results that you get back. If you have to invest $50 or so in a theme that really works for you then do that. Otherwise go for a free theme that suits you. Install the theme from your WordPress dashboard.
The aim of your website should be to prove to potential clients that you are credible and that you can help them. Testimonials are valuable social proof and you need to add these to your website. If you are just starting out how can you get testimonials?
Offer your services to people that you know free of charge or heavily discounted in exchange for their testimonial. If you don’t know anyone then find a suitable place to advertise this. It doesn’t matter what method you use to obtain your testimonials. Just get at least 3 that you can add to your site.
Tell the people that you are requesting testimonials from that they must agree to provide a video testimonial or at the very least a photograph of themselves and their website address so that you can add this. This all helps with authenticity. Never be tempted to add fake testimonials to your website.
Invest in a professional logo for your website. It is important that you create a brand that you can use consistently on your website and your social media accounts. There are plenty of good graphic designers on that will create a very professional logo to your instructions for a small amount of money.
On each of your pages and posts on your website add a call to action. This can be for a prospective client to contact you via your contact form, call you or join your email list. Make your website work hard for you 24/7 and set up analytics so that you can see what is working. Your website is a lead generation machine and it needs to convert.
Other Details- 2 Ebooks (PDF, DOC, DOCX), 12 Pages
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 1 Graphic (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 16,848 KB
License Details:
You’re granted master resell rights, resell rights or to resell with personal use rights.
You may add this product to your PAID membership site
You may giveaway the product as a bonus when people buy through your affiliate link
You may edit the included opt-in / squeeze / landing page
You may giveaway the eBook for Lead Generation purpose
No, you may NOT edit the contents of the eBook
No, this product does NOT include private label rights. You are granted Master Resell Rights only